火烈鸟睫毛膏 FLAMINGO MASCARA SET (300% Lash Extension)

***Lengthen eyelashes by an unbelievable 300%!!!!***

RM 38.00/set or Sgd 15.00/set (free postage within Malaysia & Singapore)

Recommended in Nu Ren Wo Zui Da Show. Personally tried and tested. Looks as if wearing fake lashes. It's really nice :) Requested by a few Starlet spree-ers, hence, am bringing it in.

The Flamingo Mascara Set comes in 2 tubes:
1st tube -
Black waterproof mascara, which also act as a transplanting gel
2nd tube -
Fibre, 100% natural fibre, effect is like eyelash which grows naturally, won’t cause eyes to become sensitive and doesn't aggravate your eyes

Main Ingredients for Mascara (transplanting gel):

Water, natural beeswax, carnauba wax, oxidized iron oxide, trimethylene glycol, emulsifier.

Mascara Volume:

100% natural fibre

Fibre Weight:

How to use:
1) Apply a layer of mascara (transplanting gel) to your lashes.
2) BEFORE mascara dries up, apply a layer of fibre to the top 1/3 of your lashes.
3) Then apply another layer of mascara (transplanting gel) again after you are satisfied with the length.

Removal tips:

You do not need to buy any special eye make up remover to remove this. Simply remove it under warm water when you’re in shower.. as simple as this only! It won’t stain on your under eye & will not smudge.

Personal Experience:

Starlet: "It is really unbelievable!! Like what it is advertised, 300% lash extension!
Usually I only need to apply 1 layer of fibre and I’ll be able to achieve my desirable effect. But if you need more, you can apply another layer, but i really don't think you'll need to. The effect with one layer is usually good enough!!
This mascara is long wearing and waterproof. And it's smudge-less! I don't get dark circles with this... unlike some of my other mascaras. My usual mascaras will leaves stain on my under eye – makes me looks like panda. Very surprise that a few Starlet spree-er intro this mascara to me.. & told me to bring this mascara from Taiwan to sell in my blogshop :) And now realized it is worth buying… cos it is very affordable for such good quality mascara!"

Before using Flamingo Mascara~~

After using Flamingo Mascara~~

这款组合睫毛膏拉长效果很好很好 ,超级长啊,睫毛根根分明,纤细拉长的效果,并且很卷翘,涂完不用睫毛夹就~~相当相当的卷翘~而且没有苍蝇腿啦~创馨家的睫毛膏都没有苍蝇腿啦 很好卸哦~您想拥有一双象芭比娃娃一样的又长又卷翘的睫毛吗?您曾经为睫毛短小稀疏而觉得烦恼吗?您曾经为了让睫毛更长,而去嫁接睫毛伤了自己的真睫毛吗?您曾经为了在PARTY上让自己更引人注目,而去戴假睫毛吗?您曾经为了让睫毛卷翘使用睫毛夹,却不小心夹住了自己的眼皮吗?您曾经为寻找一款能让睫毛长许多翘许多,而又能够方便的卸妆的睫毛膏而苦恼吗?上海创馨最新推出了突破传统睫毛膏技术的无限纤长睫毛膏组合,它能让您的睫毛真正增长200%-300%,并且自然卷翘45度,让你拥有像芭比娃娃一样动感迷人的睫毛和眼睛,能让您的眼神看起来更加闪烁迷人